Last week the Winnipeg Food Council approved our first ever urban agriculture and community garden grants! Congratulations to the recipients, and thank you to all who applied! We are excited to acknowledge some of the great urban food growing projects happening in our city.
The Winnipeg Food Council announced the recipients of a new $7,000 Urban Agriculture and Community Garden small grants program at City Hall on Thursday. The grant program drew 56 applicants, with a total ask of over $97,000. 2022 is the first year the grants program has been offered.
Councillor Brian Mayes, Chair of the Winnipeg Food Council said, “We were blown away, quite frankly, by the level of interest in our small grants program. This is the first year the Food Council has had budget to put toward a program like this, and to receive this response shows the level of interest there is in growing food in Winnipeg right now.”
“The Food Council felt strongly that we wanted to do something to support community gardens this year, and that even a small budget could go a long way. We saw a lot more demand than we expected this year and will definitely use this experience to plan for the future of this program,” said Kelly Janz, vice-Chair of the Winnipeg Food Council and member of the grant selection committee.
The following grants were awarded:
• $2,000 to William Whyte Neighbourhood Association
• $1,000 to Bruce Oake Recovery Centre
• $1,000 to Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba
• $1,000 to Merchants Corner
• $600 to NorWest Community Food Centre
• $600 to Children of the Earth High School
• $400 to Sunshine House
• $400 to Winakwa Community Garden
The Winnipeg Food Council established the small grants program to promote the Winnipeg City Council-declared “Year of the Garden.” Applications were accepted for up to $2,000 for new projects, garden renovations or operating costs. Organizations that are BIPOC led or represent equity-seeking groups were encouraged to apply.
